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DMB Charlotte 2004

Name:[Bryan Harrell]

Twitter Handle: [@BryanHarrell]

Current Favorite DMB Song: [Crazy Easy SPAC 7-2-04]

Current Favorite DMB Lyric: [So got a little thing got a good thing got a good thing, well I beg of you, we had a good thing

Oh, spend and die, spend and die, I remember tumbling once or twice into your head]

Song(s) referenced in your post: [Pig, Warehouse, Joyride , LIOG , the Stone, Drive In Drive Out, Jimi Thing, Hello Again, Watchtower]

[DMB rolls in for it's 10th stop at the Verizon Wireless AMP just north of Charlotte NC. Tonight's show was around the the halfway mark on the famed 04 summer tour. DMB buzzed around the Charlotte Motor Speedway and packed a highly spiritual, time stamping punch on the audience . Tonight's masterpiece was high energy compacted with an excellent set short- list that was straight dope to the vein.

The boys put on a two hour magical mystery ride tonight that the leaves stamps forever on your heart and soul by what DMB is capable off when running at full throttle. Taking you from the highest of highs in an early set PIG, Warehouse, Joy Ride dropping into a breathtaking 14 minutes of euphoria and bliss with Lie in our Graves. Dave then switched to the darker side with spectacular versions of The Stone , Drive in Drive Out, Jimi Thing, Hello Again and a ripping Watchtower was all that was needed to played as the lone encore. This was a flawless effort of a roller coaster put forth from the band tonight, Charlotte 04 saw one magical moment after another as a relentless Saturday night bombshell of an experience graced the Queen City.]

* timewise -was of the shortest shows I have attended by the way of duration , clocking in at 2:06 minutes.

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