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411 & FAQ
The love of the music
and the ties that bind.
What is dMbOnDemand?dMbOnDemand is a media driven brand focused on the music of the Dave Matthews Band. We initially started out in 2009 as a hub in which fans could legally access thousands of DMB videos. Although the band’s management loved the idea, we were not an official channel therefore needed to close down. We developed our Twitter account in 2010 as another means to reach DMB fans as we knew the community was strong. The #dmbcouchtour brand was developed by a good friend of ours at this time in conjunction with our brand. We are proud to say this has since gone on to become an independent platform. You can join dmbcouchtour here. ​​ ​ The enormous community of fans loyally following DMB social media inspired us to create a Facebook group as another means of staying connected. We can be found at Never wanting to sit still when it comes to DMB we created to host live streams of past DMB shows in a viewing party format. The dMbOnDemand brand took a hiatus in 2017-2018 however ideas were still brewing in the background to develop ways to provide loyal fans further indirect access to the band. We know the passion for DMB is insatiable so we decided to return to Twitter in 2019 with more offerings such as #SOTD (song of the day). We encourage fans to reach out to us with songs they would like to see broken down in to snippets of lyrics with original art to be posted throughout the day. 2019 was a huge year to date for our brand. We opened our online store offering original, unique DMB merchandise and apparel with the ability to provide personalized merch if requested. (This facet of the brand has been temporarily removed from the website but you can still find our designs on Etsy.) So, where are we now in 2021? As we said, the passion for this band is insatiable. After attending the Gorge in 2019 we imagined how interesting it would be to talk to as many fans as possible to find out in detail what the band and their music means to them and how this deep connection has shaped their lives. As a result, we are proud to present the dMbOnDemand Podcast. Podcast links are available through this site under the Podcast heading. We have endless ideas on how this new platform can grow and are excited to see this develop as time goes on… watch this space! ​
Where can we find dMbOnDemand?Twiiter Facebook Group Facebook Page Youtube Etsy Apple Podcast Stitcher
How Can I Support dMbOnDemand?All of our projects take a great deal of time and resources. We are eternally grateful for those who support us and allow us to devote more and more time to the podcast, website, blog, media vault and all other facets of the brand. You can make a one-time donation via PayPal by CLICKING HERE. A better option is to become a patron on our Patreon page where you can get all sorts of neat DMB items and access as additional perks for your support. To become a patron and support dMbOnDemand simply CLICK HERE and pick your level!
How Can I Get Involved?There are a few ways that you can get in on the action. 1. Become a guest on the podcast. 2. Be part of the pool who record audio segments on the podcast. Each episode a few dmb family members simply record their thoughts about a certain song. 3. Submit weekly blog posts about what the music means to you. To sign up or view more info about coming on board visit: You can always DM me on Twitter (@dmbondemand) or email me at for more information or new ideas!
How Do I Write In The DMB Family Blog?01 Sign Up and Sign In Visit the DMB FAMILY BLOG and sign up then sign in in the menu bar right above the entries. 02 Reach Out Reach out to us via EMAIL, TWITTER DM, FACEBOOk and let us know what email you would like us to send the blog creator link to. 03 Once you sign up and sign in you will arrive at your dashboard as seen in the link below. From there you can create a new post, edit old posts, view deleted posts etc... CLICK HERE TO VIEW AN EXAMPLE OF THE DASHBORD 04 Easy Access Once you are signed in you can also bookmark THE BLOG and create a post from there. Here is an example of how it looks. VIEW AN EXAMPLE OF POSTING FROM THE BLOG
What is the podcast about?Each week we have an intimate conversation with a member of the DMB family. We explore how the music of Dave Matthews Band and the deep bonds within the DMB family have shaped their life. We come to realize that while each story is unique and the family as a whole is diverse, we are sewn together by one common thread: The members of Dave Matthews Band and the people who make up the DMB family are simply people who ‘love’
What Do I Need To Come Onto The Podcast?Ideally the guest will have a laptop/desktop with Google Chrome browser and a pair of headphones that has a mic built in such as Apple air pods or older generation 3.5mm headphone cords. If you do not have either of those then we can simply use your cell phone to record via Skype. I ask that our guests fill out a form prior to coming on for the podcast. This allows the guest to get an idea as to what questions will be asked and lets me get an idea of how your story will develop. On the day of recording I ask that you have up to 60 min without distractions or background noises such as clocks, fans, vaping etc... To learn more about being a guest or to begin the process of onboarding please visit;
What is DMBoomerang?DMBoomerang is a spin off / bonus content for our podcast fans. During the off season of the main podcast we release mini-episodes. We bring in new guests or guests who have already been on to catch them up on what's been going on since their interview. Then we start with a single idea and song and begin to discuss what it means to us. We let the conversation bounce to other relative thoughts and lyrics to show how connected the music is. Then we loop it back around to the original topic and song to complete the DMBoomerang! CLICK HERE if you would like to be a guest for DMBoomerang.
What is the format & Questions Asked In The Podcast Interview?PHASE 1 – INTRO & NEWS Opening Audio Music Fade DMB and dMbOnDemand News Tour News When Applicable Welcome Audio Guest Name & Note Episode Song Undertone Intro to DMB History ​This Year In DMB History PHASE 2 – THE INTERVIEW Guest Intro Audio Guest Name Guest Location A Few Facts About The Guest What is gleaned from the interaction / research with the guest? How the interaction is a good microcosm of the dmb community as a whole​ ​ PHASE 3 – THE INTERVIEW Profession, Interests and hobbies? Favorite DMB song and why? Favorite DMB lyric and why? How long have they been a fan? What song first made them a fan? What brought them into the community and what does the DMB family mean? If you could choose 1 DMB song to let each human on earth listen to, what would it be and why? Best moment you can think of that a DMB song impacted in the moment or gives context to when looking back? Worst moment you can think of that a DMB song impacted in the moment or gives context to when looking back? If you could sit down with the entire band for a few minutes what would you tell them? What is the overall message that the music is trying to relay and how do you apply that message into your life? If you had to pick 3 song titles that best told your story (assume people know what the songs are about), what songs would they be? Now is your chance to promote what you think the world needs to hear about- plug away! How to find you, any people you want to shout out, charities, events, organizations etc.​ PHASE 4 – PERSONAL STORY OR TWIHI Give observations about the stories shared in the episode. Highlight how the music compares with our individual lives and stories. Thank the guest for coming on. Personal Story Introduce the song and lyrics. Keep story to 10-15 minutes tops for normal sized episode. When possible split story into 2 parts. ​ The Way I Heard It (TWIHI) TWIHI Intro Audio. Kept to 10-25 minutes. Multiple people if need be. PHASE 4 – TIPS AND NOTES Recording Tips Please have access to a laptop or desktop Please have headphones with a microphone or ear buds with a built-in microphone Do a "white noise" check. Fans, vaping, ticking clocks etc. Try and reduce it as much as possible. If using a phone, please do not place the phone directly in front of your mouth as this makes loud audio "pop." Just place it a few inches from your face and speak softly and clearly, there's no need to rush anything. Zencastr This is our preferred method of recording as it records in the superior .wav audio format. We will send you a link to click and bookmark. Go to the link before the interview to get familiar with it. Ensure it is picking up your mic and audio input. You will know it’s picking up your mic if the audio waves move when you speak. At the time of the interview just click on the link and that’s it! Skype We only use Skype when guests do not have access to a mic or laptop/desktop and must use their cell phone to record. Create a Skype Account Sign into your Skype account Send us the email you used to sign up. We will send you a text so that we can lock each other’s contact in At the time of the interview, we will send an audio only call and begin the interview. Notes Before answering a question count to 3 in your mind. We will do the same. This is to allow space between audio to splice if need be. Stay open and free. Bullet notes are find but try to view it as a conversation rather than a question and answer format. If you want to drift away from a topic that’s just fine by us! If you have a questions for us, ask away! Remember that listeners will not know the details when you are sharing a story so be sure to fill in as many details as you can. What the day was like? Who you were with? What was happening? What was influencing you? Take your time! If the interview runs long, let it run long, we can always split it into a two-part interview. Each person has a story to tell and deserves to be heard without feeling rushed or confined by time. This is how we connect with others and that’s the heart of the podcast!
What Is "The Way I Heard It (TWIHI)?"The Way I Heard It is a fun way to get listeners of the podcast involved! Each episode we pick a few members of the DMB family to record a 3-10 minute recording about a song we pick out. The guests we've had on before usually talk about their take on a song, their take on the lyrics or a personal story that relates to the song. This is a great way to show how similar yet unique the music impacts our life! To learn more and sign up to be a special guest please visit:
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